Saturday 26 September 2009

Why blog?

I have often admired a couple of friends who find time in their lives to write a blog a few times a week and thought to myself - should I be doing this?
I've searched about it on the web, but have never taken the plunge!
However, a few days ago, a friend on Facebook - yes I know! - gave a link to her second attempt at starting to write a blog. Having followed the link, and seen the inane rubbish she chose to impart to all and sundry, I felt that even I could do better than that!!
I know that I will never post anything as deep and thoughtful as my other friends and a part of me thinks that this may turn into a Victor Meldrew moaning place, however, maybe one day I will write something someone else may agree with or have had the same feelings about and then they'll know that it's just not them!
Welcome to my world!!

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