Sunday, 20 January 2013

What Have I Been Doing Then???

So, I have been away for a long time - 15 months in fact!! I can't believe it's been so long!!
So much has happened - where do I start?
I failed at a job interview :(
I succeeded at a job interview :)
Mum was very ill - diagnosed with diabetes while in hospital with cellulitis and a bleeding stomach ulcer which was caused by the strong pain killers given to her by her GP. She was then found to have kidney cancer and has had to have a major operation!
I spent 6 months driving to and from Devon every weekend to look after my step-dad as he couldn't cook, wash clothes or iron clothes!!
My nan passed away in the middle of Mum being so ill :(
My son got arrested for shoplifting :(
My son joined army cadets -he will be in the army next :)
My new job is fantastic :)
I miss my old work friends so much :(
Guiding took a back seat for 6 months - my husband says :) I say :(
I met up with my school friends after almost 20 years :)
Celebrated 21 years with my hubby :)
Presented at 2 national conferences with my new job :)
Slept at the National Space Centre - again :)
Been awarded the Midlands Chief Guide Award for Services to Guiding in the Local Community :)

So many blog potentials - but no time to write!!!

I will try and write about some of these times as the weeks go on - hopefully you will dip in every now and then and try and catch up xx

Monday, 14 January 2013

Well, hello there!!

I am back - well sort of - I know, I have been away for a long long time and having just checked out the blog, I realise how long it has actually been!! I have a new job at work and in Guiding - but I will come back soon and tell you all about it!

Speak soon - I promise !!